Our professional courses are based on examples of international principles, certification audits of Ukrainian and foreign enterprises and will be a good basis for training your staff.

Our teachers have many years of experience as auditors and technical experts. Their practical experience of conducting audits and working in the field of process management allow students to find successful solutions for the functioning and development of management systems in their enterprises.

Our advantages:

Our courses will be interesting:

  • senior and middle managers;
  • personnel involved in the processes of development, implementation and support of management systems, planning and conducting internal audits;
  • specialists responsible for quality control in production and product quality.

Training is possible in the following formats:

    • intramural classes (open/closed courses);
    • webinars (online courses);
    • Webinars and face-to-face open courses are held at the Academy office;
    • Departure of teachers to the Customer’s territory

    Departure of teachers to the Customer’s territory


Specialist in development and implementation of integrated management systems (ISO 9001). ISO 19011 internal audit

Process approach in organization management. Organization management tools and methods

Working with claims and complaints: methods of increasing customer loyalty

Six Sigma management systems improvement methodology

ISO 10012 Measurement management systems. Requirements for measuring processes and measuring equipment

Specialist in development and implementation of integrated management systems (ISO 14001). ISO 19011 internal audit

Specialist of environmental management systems in accordance with the requirements of the ISO 14001 standard. Internal auditor 19011

Specialist of the inspection body in accordance with the requirements of the ISO/IEC 17020 standard. Practical aspects of the preparation of the inspection body for accreditation in accordance with the requirements of ISO/IEC 17020. ISO 19011 internal audit

Laboratory specialist in accordance with the requirements of the ISO/IEC 17025 standard. Practical aspects of preparing laboratories for accreditation in accordance with the requirements of ISO/IEC 17025. ISO 19011 internal audit

Requirements for method suitability assessment and measurement uncertainty assessment for testing and calibration laboratories 

Specialist in occupational safety and health management systems. Internal auditor ISO 19011

Risk management in the occupational safety and health management system. Standards of the ISO 31000 series

Development and implementation of quality management systems. ISO 19011 internal audit.

Requirements of the FSSC 22000 standard. Food safety management systems

Requirements of the ISO 22000 standard. Food safety management systems. Internal auditor 

Internal auditor of the information security management system ISO/IEC 27001, ISO 19011

ISO 30405 Human resource management. Recruitment rules

ISO 30408 Guidelines for people management

ISO 30409 Personnel planning

ISO 30414 Internal and external reporting on human capital

ISO / TR 30406 Sustainable employment management for organizations

ISO/TS 30407 Price for recruitment

ISO / TS 30410 Human resource management – recruitment impact metrics

ISO / TS 30411 Human resource management – recruitment quality metrics

Risk management. ISO 31000 risk management specialist

ISO 37001. Anti-bribery management systems. Development and implementation

The phenomenon of corruption in Ukraine and the world

“Implementation of the Anti-bribery management systems.

In-depth study of the ISO 37001 standard”

Occupational safety and health management system for the new version of the ISO 45001 standard. ISO 19011 internal audit

Specialist in development and implementation of integrated management systems (ISO 45001, ISO 9001, ISO 14001). ISO 19011 internal audit

Energy management system. ISO 50001 requirements

Internal auditor of energy management systems in accordance with the requirements of the ISO 50001 standard Energy efficiency and energy saving at enterprises and institutions. Basic course.

Energy management system. Why should we manage energy? ISO 50001 standard.

Conducting energy audits of residential and public buildings

Process approach in organization management

BRC standard for foodstuffs. Introductory course

Requirements of HACCP principles and mastery of audit techniques for compliance with HACCP principles for restaurant business

Fundamentals of environmental legislation of Ukraine 

Internal audit of Integrated Management Systems. Internal auditor.